A multimedia installation consisting of ceramic sculptures, a mound of sand, molds of golden dates, black and white measuring wooden stick, 3D printed figurine, orange essential oil, HD single-channel video with voice-over, 13 minutes 03 seconds.
The objects in the installation are extensions to the video, whose imagery ranges from photographs of historical sites to representations of ancient Mesopotamian figures in reliefs, layered with footage from the Gulf War (1991). This work aims to reconstruct lost, destroyed, and displaced ancient artifacts from the Middle East due years of war and western occupation.
The green screen chroma key is a metaphor of a ‘magic carpet’ that enables teleportation, defying physical and temporal barriers in order to encounter what has been obliterated. As a magic carpet would, it transports the body to sites and allows for interaction with objects, circumventing all obstacles. The green screen becomes a trope that enables the body to access impossible sites and artifacts that are otherwise geographically and temporally separated. In this work, the internet is a site of excavation and a well of access to world rebuilding of what has been lost or displaced.